off your list? Goal completion is a strong human motivator. Yet, writing significant goals that have a positive impact on the work environment can be tough. Here’s a framework to consider the next time you begin to draft goals.
Goals fall into two categories: “be” goals and “do” goals.
“Be” goals are goals that define an expectation for how the employee is to act. Goals that a how we want the employee to “be” are behavioral. Examples of “be” goals include:
· Provide helpful customer service to each citizen who comes to the
· Arrive to work by 8:00 a.m. each morning.
· Wear your personal protective equipment at all times on the jobsite.
Because “be” goals describe how you want the person to behave, they are on-going and often very difficult to measure. When you describe how you expect an employee to perform the work the outcome is often a general description of your expectations. “Be” goals are usually expressed in your policies, procedures, and other documentation. Generally “be” goals apply to anyone in the job, rather than to a specific individual. As a result, they are usually not very exciting.
Instead of developing “be” goals, focu